بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Hi , everyone ...
For the people , who've been , reading my blog ..
1st of all , i'd really like to tell you how sorry i am , for all that time
I Couldn't be online , For cercumstances , only allah , knows about .
Also , i'll repeat my apology , again , for that i probably , won't be here
As Well , as the nexst , few , weeks ..., (( Do to me being busy with my
Studying and all )) ..
Untill then , i don't know how i'll survive without my blog :P , And
You guys but i'll try
and pray alot ... ( you pray for me 2 , whenever you get the chance :) )
I'm so sorry guys , but hopefully , i'll make a comeback ,
with more energy And stuff , you'll know about later (( In sha'allah )) .
Till then , here's my Warm " Salam " , Hoping to write again , in allah's
Welling .
And keeping you always up dated , till we can find , or make ,
``` A OnE SimplE World ```
See ya soon , in sha' allah ... with love , joy , and ME :)
Joyfully ...-
-" The Breaking Down "-