Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Smaller , The Better !

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
It's the first day of the new year , 2009 .
A lot of people , have resolutions for this year , like they did , and I did for the last year .. a lot of them haven't done anything they wanted to do . I know I didn't .
So this year, I'll change my strategies, those who didn't work out for me last year .
So , my first challenge , is to reduce my using of tissues .
Cause I'm a real tissue addict !
So , I set up this challenge , for tomorrow , to live on , one packet of " pocket tissues " , that’s about 10 tissues .
And then I'll try to do it for a whole week .
I think as people , we should .. start off with the small challenges , and once we nail them , we can move up from there , to bigger challenges .
To not , ask ourselves to be " our selves" , when we don't even give ourselves , the true opportunity , to know who that is .
Kick off your year , with some small challenges like these , and then you'll go where ever you can .
Start with the things , you can control , even though they may seem so silly , in your and others eyes .
But you'll find out later , that they were the first feather to grow in your wings .
Look at it .. as a mountain , you can't climb it from the middle , you got to start from the ground , cause that's where you are right now , if you think you belong up there , the first thing you're going to have to do , is to know what's really " up there " .. ?
Then , you'll have to stand up , walk , and then , you're going to climb , right from the bottom of it all .
Make easy targets , master them , then automatically , they will left you up to the bigger ones , they will introduce you to life , yourself , and others , so much better , than anything else could

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