I was just going to write about an awful day , which happened to be yesterday , and then i remembered how much as people , we often like to write about the sad things that happens to us in our long life , when we long for happiness .. and so desperatly seek for it , we Unconsciously erase all the good and a pit happy memories from our life , and mind .
So .. to break that really " Awful" habit , today i'm going to write about something alittle more joyful .. or at least it made me feel that way at its time .
It was about two days ago .. we had a " Raining incident " . Which means " panic in the hallway " .
And i still can't understand what is so frightining about the rain ???
But people still are scared of it .. or even of its touch !
Me and a couble of my friends were late at school .. maybe the last girls to witness the rain as it goes through the pipes to get in to our bags .. and clothes !
So basiscally , we were soaked in water .. and our books were as soaked as we were !
So heres the scene :- (( Wet bags , books , and wet "we" ! .. everybody's complaining and moening .. Hmmm .. Screaming .. and some fainting incedints ! ))
It pretty much seems like a not so joyful thing , but some how .. i managed to feel and realize the beauty of it all .
I managaed to say yeah , it was a beautiful day , Disbite all that happened .
and as the thunder strikes even harder , and the screams strikes the insanity point , i was striking the highest point of feeling the beauty of it all !
It was a really strange thing , it's like something that takes over me , something i can't control , and yet i didn't think much about it . just about the way it made me feel , the feeling that no other humanbenig ever made me feel , the rain somehow .. was able to do it !
So , Among all the Ugly and Hideous days i've been having latlely , that day was such a beautiful exception that i thank god for till this not so beautiful day !